Saturday, 11 July 2009

You know...

when you're told something again and again, but you just can't quite believe that it's going to happen, like seeing Neil Young for the first time...? Well, Lloyd Peters, our lead, has flown out to Portugal today and will return next Saturday, after our tech run. Frightening stuff. Especially as we're still tweeking the script... bugger. Hopefully, we can tweek everything else but Lloyd's lines and cue-lines. Easy.

It should (crosses himself) be fine. We've done as much as we could/can. The play must be getting tighter, because it's definitely getting shorter (46 minutes last run). There are now conversations being had about us making Hampstead a double bill. Whether that means us making something else, or getting in another show, I don't know... I quite like the idea of writing another thing to perform down there. Hmmm...

So, what else? Oh, Joel, our sound and lighting man (also a very lovely human being), came down on Thursday to talk... well, sound and lighting. It's excellent having mates involved, especially ones that are clearly over qualified for it. The 24:7 Festival doesn't really leave room for much creativity lighting-wise (we've only got four lights in total), so a lot of Joel and Frances' ideas will have to wait for Hampstead.

I have properly started working on 'the next thing' now. There's pages written and notes about structure and all sorts. It should be good, pretty weird how much you can learn is such a short space of time... and not least about the way you write. Hopefully, I'll have this written and find someone willing to put it on before I go down to Norwich.

Come back Lloyd, all is forgiven!

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